Today I was feeding Tessa on the couch and Tanner was curled up next to me and he says "What is Tessa going to be when she grows up? a dragon?" and I say no, she will be a big girl like Sammi and Rebecca" and he says,"no like a garbage man"and I say "oh, do you still want to be a garbage man when you grow up ?"and he says "no I want to be a Daddy" and I say" Oh that is such a good thing to be" and I ask him "what do you want to do for a job?" and he says I want to buy money like Dad does, "and I say" you want to work on computers like Dad?" and he says "Yeah." Its so funny how there little minds work. He has had this obsession with garbage trucks and whenever he hears it coming runs outside to watch it pick up the trash. He would tell me I want to be a garbage man when I grow up. I guess his ambitions are changing!
5 years ago
A dragon? That's priceless. I love how kids don't have the influence of what prestige comes with certain jobs. They just wanna be what they wanna be!
I hear garbage men make pretty good money. He could do a lot worse :)
yes a garbage man- he would be like a superhero to all the little boys all around the world.
I love the dragon comment too. That is to cute.
At least they are all automated these days and he wont have to lift big, stinky cans! Remember those days?! Cute pics--your family is so darling!
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