Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Missionary Moment

The sister Missionaries called and asked if Rebecca and I would go with them to visit a 10 year old girl who wants to come to Activity Days. We met them at Tailor's house. Rebecca was very shy and nervous at first. I talked to her about Activity Days and got her contact information to get in touch with her. The sisters went over her Book of Mormon reading and taught her about Fasting. She really wants to be bapzited but needs to attend church at least three times. Her parents are members but not active. Rebecca really warmed up and told her about her baptism and Activity Days. Tailor wanted Rebecca to say the closing prayer and Rebecca asked that Tailor could be baptized soon. At the end Tailor likes to play charades. She has a ton of energy and her attention span isnt long so the sisters play this at the end. It was cute to see Rebecca act out taking the sacrament and reading the scriptures. It was a neat experience for us and I am so happy I got to share it with Rebecca.


laurie said...

How great is that! She will love activity days. Rebecca was a great choice for befriending. We love her.

Lulu said...

I am sure those missionaries were inspired to ask Rebecca. And how neat for that girl to be such an example to her parents!

Unknown said...

What a neat experience for both you and Rebecca.

Samantha Harris said...

What a great missionary moment.