We went to Safford over Halloween. Jake had a bike race that weekend so we made it a family adventure and all went. We took our trailer and parked it at my sister Amy's in laws house. She is staying there until they move next month. It was so neat to see the new temple as we drove into the valley. It was so pretty and our first time seeing it except for Sammi who went through with the youth. We got there on Friday and had lunch at an all you can eat pizza place with my sister and her kids and Jake's friend from work who lives there and his wife and kids. After we got Jake's race packet and the kids played with their cousins. Later after dinner Jake, Amy and I played speed scrabble and Amy totally whooped us. Amy's husband Brad is away training for his new job so it was fun to be there with Amy. I got up early the next morning and took Jake to the airport where the race start was. It was so neat to see all the racers and watch them excited as they took off. I went back and Amy and I went for a run in her neighborhood while the kids watched TV. We got a good run in and it was fun to run with Amy. Jake said to be at the finish line between 11:30 and 12:00. So we hurried there at 11:30 and I saw the pace car coming around the corner and I knew he was going to be in that group and sure enough Darnit! he was. We missed him by a few minutes! It was great to see him excited that he made good time. Way to go Jake! 104 miles.
Happy Halloween! We went to my sister's ward Trunk or Treat and then to a few houses on the way back. Lots of candy so the kids were happy. It was a fun trip to Safford.
Yeah for blogging! Ok, only in AZ can a darling little soldier wear flip flops on Halloween. All their costumes are way cute, we missed you!!
Awesome Jen. So excited you are blogging again.
Great costumes!
I had so much fun with you that weekend and my kids loved it too!
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