Sammi broke her arm a few weeks ago now. I know I am behind, such is life. She was climbing up in her closet to get a bag of craft buttons for a school project and was hanging on the hanging clothes bar which gave way, and she landed on her arm. It is a crazy story because Jake and I were not home when it happened. I had run to the grocery store to get some Mayonaise for a potato salad I was making. I forgot to take my phone and when I tried to drive home I had a dead battery. Luckily I ran into my friend Melissa in the store so I got a ride home with her. Well Sammi had been trying to call me and I didnt have my phone and Jake was riding his bike home and didnt hear his so she called a friend in the ward and they came over as I was pulling in with Melissa. Our friend Dixie and her daughter Hannah stayed with the kids and fed them dinner while I took Sammi to the emergency room. Jake got home and got the news and called me. They put a splint on for a few days until the swelling went down and then she had a cast put on. Of course orange, her favorite color. She gets it off after Labor Day weekend. Yeah!
5 years ago
Ouch. I am sure she will be glad to get that off soon.
When my dad broke his arm I painted his cast all over with this wild mola-esque pattern.
I'm glad to hear she gets it off soon!
So fun to see you guys! Glad Sammi is in good spirits and will be better soon!
Tell Sammi orange is awesome! I hope she feels better.
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