On Satruday Kimball was baptized and it was such a special day. My sister in law Julie gave a talk on baptism and my Dad gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. They did such a great job, thanks guys! Rebecca sang the "I like to look for rainbows song" all by herself and she did so good. It was fun to see all the cousins gather around the baptisimal font to watch and what a neat example for them. The Bishop welcomed him to the ward and told him that the happy tears that he saw from his Mom are because the spirit is here and that whenever he sees his Mom have happy tears to remember those moments. He also gave him a homework assignment to give us a hug and kiss that night and to say thank you for being his parents. He was so cute to follow through before we left for Stake Conference that evening. Shelli came and played the piano and welcomed him to Primary. Thanks Shelli! It was so neat to have my sister Amy and her family come from St. Johns and all the rest of the family that was able to be there. 

5 years ago
Congrats Kimball!
I'm so glad we could come for your special day!
Wow, Kimball seriously looks like he's aged about 2-3 years. I'm lad it was such a special day for him.
I was thinking the same about your boys looking so much older. I am sad that I missed this special day but, I am glad that I get to spend a little over a month with the family. It will be good for me and the boys.
He could not have been cuter walking up to the front of the chapel today. Chin held high! So many fun milestones.
What a good lookin' boy! Way to go Kimball!
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