Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bulldog Canyon Campout

 Tanner, Kimball and Cousin Ridge playing baseball at base camp
 Kimball swinging high on the rope swing in the meadow
 Water hole on the hike
 Cozy sister's cuddling up in their sleeping bags
 Four little monkeys in their beds
Over the Easter Weekend we went camping overnight at Bulldog Canyon.We had Jake's parents and Rick and Jill and their family too. We left early Friday and went on a day hike to Bushnell Tanks. It was closed to motor vehicles but you could hike in on foot. It was a good size hike and all the kids did great, including Tessa and Makenna. They were tough! We had to cross several areas with a creek bed. A few got a little wet, including me. We crossed over the big boulders and I do not like heights, so it was a little scary for me at a few places. When we got to a good water hole we had our packed lunches. Jake went on to see how far it went with a few of the kids. I took a little nap in the shade on a larrge rock and so did Jake's Dad. The next thing I know Makenna had fallen in the water and Sammi went in right after her. It was scary, but the water wasnt too deep. I was grateful Sammi didnt think twice just jumped in shoes, clothes and all. Makenna was soaking wet too. Rebecca had her swimsuit on so she let Makenna wear her shirt on the way back. We went back to the meadow the next day and had a really big Easter egg hunt. The kids loved finding eggs in the great outdoors. Jake's Mom had put money in a few eggs too! We slept in our tent, which we havent done in a long time since we had our trailer before. It wasnt that bad for one night. I got spoiled having a trailer. Fun weekend with family!


Amy said...

Great Pics! Can't wait to see everyone!

Heather said...

That sounds so fun. You have to tell me where bulldog canyon is. Love the idea of Easter egg hunt in a meadow.

Supercords said...

Thanks for doing a trip report on your campout. Awesome pictures! I have the cutest nieces ever!