Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Korean Date Night

On Saturday night Jake and I went out with another couple from our ward for Korean food. I served my mission in Taejon, Korea and so did the husband of this other couple. It had been a long time since I had had Korean food. As soon as they brought it out the smells were so familiar and it tasted so good! It brought back a lot of good memories. We are going to have to go back soon! After dinner we headed over to a Korean market and bought some things to take home. I got a jar of Kimchi, a package of seaweed, a few Korean side dishes, and some marianade to make the pulkogi (barbeque meat you wrap in lettuce). We ate frozen melon bars on the way home. It was such a fun night out! Jake even enjoyed it, he is not a huge fan, but it is growing on him. I have been eating rice and Kimchi and seaweed for lunch and my kids say "Oh, that stinks!" and it does have a strong smell but I love it! It also gave me an idea for my sharing time that is coming up and I am going to talk about missionary work.


laurie said...

Weellll, I would say I'm sorry we missed it, but I'm not sure I am! Glad you all had a good time. I'm totally counting the days till Havasu. Is that sad?

Unknown said...

I think I might have to agree with Laurie on that one. My mother makes lacto-fermented vegetable things and kimchi is one of them. Smells horrid. Glad you enjoyed your evening! :)

Supercords said...

Jen, I'd love to check out that restaurant the next time I'm down. Make a mental note.

Ironically, the Word Verification I just had to type in below is "chilis".

Shelli said...

I'm so glad I don't have smell on my computer cuz that sounds really bad. I regret not serving a mission or having a desire to even. So glad you took a trip down memory lane.